Beard Styling with Oil, Heat, & Butter

Tommy Kissinger with Geaux Bearded Beard Products Company. We're a community and a brotherhood for the bearded. In this blog, we're going to be featuring our beard butter, more specifically the Acadian Ascent 4-ounce beard butter.

You can check out the video or skip down to read:

This is our vanilla tobacco scent. And we're also going to get into some beard styling techniques. Watching the video may be helpful, but you can follow along here.

Let me walk you through the process:

I just got out of the shower, dried the beard.

You don't have to wash every day, but I do a daily gentle wash or every other day. And then once a week, I'll do like a stripping wash. So I got the beard washed, got it all dried off.

And before we get into featuring the beard butter, we're going to just take you through some styling techniques. So we're going to put in some beard oil. One of my favorites is our Acadian Ascent Borage Blend Beard Oil.

We have the regular line with our regular carrier oils. And then we have this version where we add the Borage to it. Of course, Barrage has a lot of benefits to it. It's very popular. We've had great raving reviews over the scent.

It's a vanilla tobacco. Some guys have said it's one of their favorite scents out of all of the oils that they've tried.

So what I'm going to do is comb through the beard first and then we're going to put in some of the beard oil. Every time. This is to treat the skin and also to give a nice little shine or sheen to the beard. And of course, the pleasant smell of the beard oil in the beard.

And that's the fun of it, man. And variety is the spice of life. So you try all different scents, all different kinds of oils, change it up depending on your mood and what you want to put in.

So I've got everything combed through and we're going to apply the beard oil. With my size beard, I've been growing it about a little over a year and a half, I usually do about two droppers full of this. You put in as much as you want. And I'm just going to drop it in the palm, mix it together real good. Get some on the fingertips, on the nails. Oh, smells good, man. Geaux Bearded Beard Oil Borage Blend Acadian Ascent.

I like to start on top, you know, for styling reasons. I'll start on top of the beard with the oil. Then go underneath. And then now I'll go down into the skin real good. Get it down in there.

Smelling good. Starts bringing the beard together already for styling.

You can bring it into kind of like a V, like a Viking look. As soon as you put the oil in, it gives you that ability to start styling the beard. But that's not going to be our finished product. Some days I'll style it and just leave it right like this. I won't even apply any heat to it. It depends on what mood I'm in. Hey! Whatever mood you're in, let it rip and go for it, baby!

And so there you go there. We have the oil applied to the beard. Okay, I'm going to let that sit for a few minutes. Then we're going to come back and apply some heat to the beard and do some more styling techniques by using a blow dryer.

If I'm going to apply heat, I let it sit for five minutes. It brings it together. Like I said, you could stop your styling right there if you want. That's looking pretty tight. Everything's coming together. Got kind of a nice pointed V look, if that's the mood I'm in for that day. I can fix it another way and bring it out wider if I want too.

Now, if you want to go to the next step and apply some heat using a blow dryer. You can also use a heated beard brush to bring added straightening to the beard. Today, we're just going to add the blow dryer to this. So as always, when you're applying heat to the beard, not too hot, not too direct, and not too long. Okay? Not too hot, not too direct, and not too long.

Make sure you have applied some oil there, which is going to protect it and coat it. When I use the blow dryer, I'm going to turn on medium, heat and power. Okay, so you're going to have a downward direction. It gives it direction. It gives it meaning. It gives it purpose. It shows you care about your appearance.

You're looking good. You're putting it together. It's coming together, making it a nice straight look.

Then after I do that, you can hit this cool button right there, and that will lock everything in and shrink it. Watch how it starts locking everything in.

That is clean looking. You can leave it just like that if you want. Also, you can stop right there if you want to style it that way. So it has a little less of a V now, but everything's coming down straight, coming together, has a nice downward, clean looking direction there.

And so now I'm just going to do another styling technique. Some days I wear the beard like this. Depends on what mood I'm in. Sometimes, I will put a beard tie on it if I know I'm going to be doing a lot of walking around, a lot of running, a lot of getting in and out of a car. If it's going to be a windy day and the beard's just going to be blowing all over the place. So what I use for that is just a little beard tie. You can do anything you want.

These are these little kind of rubber beard ties. They don't pull the hair out. I mean, you can get creative. Depending on how big your beard is, you can use some beads, like some Viking beard beads and put them in there, you know, whatever you want to do. So what I'm going to do for that is I'm going to do another touch. Here's where I'm going to bring in the beard butter.

Use it any way you want for styling, however you want to. Some days when I'm going to put it in a beard tie, right before I put it into the beard tie, I'll put some butter to just give it a little more hold and a little more tightness. So when I do the butter, I'll add just a couple drops of oil to help distribute it a little bit. I put the butter in the palm of the hand, and then we'll take a little more oil, put it in there, and that's just going to help it break down, help it distribute real good.

I'm just doing this for styling. It just allows you to bring everything together real good, holds everything. So there you go. That is looking good.

We have the two ounce, and we also have the four ounce beard butter. It's all there for you. Geaux Tommy's, geaux Tigers, geaux four ounce beard butter, baby, and Geaux Bearded. BOOM!