Calling All Beards: Beard & Mustache Competition 2024!!!
There it is. Geaux Bearded Beard and Mustache Competition 2024. We're going to get into this. Let's continue to shout it out, let everybody know, create a buzz out there, and get people to come on out.
We want you to be a part of it.
So yes, we're calling all beards, YES! Beards and mustaches, all to be a part of this. This is Geaux Bearded Beard and Mustache Competition 2024.
When is it? It's going to be Saturday, October 5th starting at 6pm.
Where's it going to be? Rally Cap Brewing Company in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. (check out their website for more info)
So let's get into some of the details and the highlights here.
We have the great Dan Command coming on in. Dan C. Bearded is going to be the head judge and heading up the whole competition.
He is a special guy, a really good man. He's the trusted teacher for all things beard-care. He’s very knowledgeable about the entire industry. It's an honor, it's a privilege to have him.
The categories: It's $10 per category to enter.
We have Kid’s Creative. So, we need kids to participate in making decorative beard artwork.
Get creative with it, man.
We have a Whiskerina category. Ladies, same thing.
We need ladies to participate and make really cool decorative beard artwork. Just surprise us, come up with something really neat.
Of course, then we have the full beard categories, 0-6 inches. The way that you officially measure the beard is from the bottom of the lip down to the bottom of the beard. So full beard, zero to six inches.
Full beard, 6-12 inches.
And yes, we have the big boy, ZZ top category. Full beard, 12+ inches.
We also have a mustache category.
We have a freestyle category. Get crazy with it, make decorative things out of your beard. And there's going to be Olympic-style scoring.
So, after covering expenses, all proceeds go to the CAA Baton Rouge. That is the Companion Animal Alliance, the Baton Rouge Animal Shelter.
I recently just went over there and visited with some people at the Baton Rouge Animal Shelter. One of the ladies who heads it up, I told her all about it, that we have adopted them as our charity. She was excited about it.
She's coming to the competition, and I asked her to be one of the judges. So as I mentioned, bringing in Dan Command, that's one of the highlights. We're looking for some more sponsors.
I've got a couple sponsors who have already committed to coming to the competition.
For more info fill out this form or email Check out the website. You’re going to love all the stuff on the website. We've got the oil, butter, balm, wash, conditioner, merchandise, shirts, all of that stuff there for you.
Grooming tools on the website. So once again, Calling All Beards. We're calling for ladies to participate in the Whiskerina.
We're calling for kids to participate in the Kids Creative.
We have a great charity, the Baton Rouge Animal Shelter.
It's going to be a great time and a great venue.
Kevin over there has opened up Rally Cap Brewing Company for us. It's going to be a great time. Saturday, October 5th, 6 p.m. Rally Cap Brewing Company.
Come on out there, baby. As always, Geaux Tommy’s! Geaux Tigers! Geaux Beard and Mustache Competition 24 and Geaux Bearded!